Some guy, somewhere, told me not to show my prices online. So I decided to explore why he would say that.
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I’ve been told so many times that I shouldn’t put my pricing on my website.
But I do it anyway.
It just feels right.
And I can’t tell you the spicy words that flow through my head when I get to someone’s website and I can’t find a price. 🤬
So why are these businesses deliberately annoying their potential customers by making them jump through hoops just to get a price?
And is there some kind of method in their madness?
Let’s go!
A rate that’s as custom as a $20K push bike ridden by a middle-aged white guy on a Saturday morning 🚴
Sometimes a product or service a business offers is highly customisable and the final price depends on the specific requirements of the customer.
For example, let’s say a business sells custom-made bike racks. The price of the bike rack would depend on the size, material, design, and other features the customer wants.
Listing a standard price wouldn’t make much sense in this case. It would be like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole — it just wouldn’t work.
In these cases, it makes sense for the business to hide their prices and instead offer customers a quote based on their specific needs.
This way, the customer gets a tailored solution (so they feel special) and the business can charge the right price for the level of customisation involved.
Artisanal bikes and bike racks anyone?
What if my price goes up the more desperate you are? 😈
Imagine two iPhone repairers doing the same fix on a broken screen, but one openly lists their prices while the other keeps their prices under wraps.
The guy that lists his prices is essentially putting all his cards on the table, leaving little room for negotiation.
On the other hand, the one that hides their prices has the upper hand in the negotiation process as they can quote a higher price and see if the customer is willing to pay… like when they reeeaaaaalllllyyyyy need that phone fixed today.
By not openly listing their prices, businesses can maintain a certain level of control over the negotiation process and maybe even squeeze out a higher profit. This is especially true in industries where margins are tight and every one cent coin counts.
Live a fancy-pants life, pay a fancy-pants price 💅
Picture this: a business sells a product that appeals to both budget-conscious customers and those who are willing to pay a premium for a higher-quality product.
If the business openly lists their prices, they might be leaving extra money on the table from those who will pay more.
To avoid this, the business might choose to hide their prices and instead offer different prices to different customer segments.
For example, they might offer a lower price to budget-conscious customers to attract their business, and a higher price to those who value premium services.
This way, the business can cater to different customer segments and maximise their profits.
Think of it like a menu at a restaurant — some dishes are priced for the teenager on her first date, while others are for the self-funded retiree who is living off their 72 investment properties.
By offering a variety of prices, the restaurant can cater to a wider audience and make sure there’s something for everyone.
Oh, you want a special price? I’ll give you a special price, all right! 🙄
Price discrimination is when a business charges different prices to different customers based on factors such as location, buying behavior, or willingness to pay.
Aussie supermarkets do this all the time. You won’t pay the same for a can of baked beans in Mt Lawley as you will in Armadale (that’s in Perth, just in case you were wondering!)
And an online fashion retailer will almost always throw a discount code your way if you leave stuff in your cart for more than an hour.
If a business openly lists its prices, it can be challenging to practice price discrimination. Hiding prices gives the business more control over the pricing process and allows them to tailor their prices to each customer based on their individual circumstances.
Think of it like a tailor making a custom-fit suit — they’ll take into account the customer’s measurements, preferences, and budget to create the perfect fit.
By hiding the prices, the tailor can ensure they’re charging the right price for the level of customisation involved.
If you have to ask the price, it’s probably not for you. 🎩
For some businesses, it’s all about maintaining a luxury vibe and keeping their brand image on point.
They want customers to think of their products as the crème de la crème.
By keeping their prices under wraps, these businesses can add an extra layer of mystique and attract customers who are willing to pay a pretty penny for the privilege of being a part of the exclusive club.
Think of it like a speakeasy during Prohibition — the secret location, the covert entrance, the hushed whispers all added to the allure and drew in people who were willing to pay top dollar for a taste of the forbidden.
Similarly, by keeping their prices hidden, businesses can add an air of mystery and exclusivity that draws in customers who value the premium brand experience.
And if you do any of this stuff, I’ll never buy anything from you, ever. 🙅
While price manipulation is a big thing in our capitalist system it really annoys people like me. Because I know when you’re doing it.
I know you want me to read 1500 words on your website to use your Jedi mind tricks and Neuro Linguistic Programming woo to hypnotise me into buying something that has a 1200% markup on it.
I know you are trying to make me drool like Pavlov’s dogs with your fancy words and your psychological games to make me think that your $320 purple-faced watch would be the perfect match for my brand.
And given that I bought that very same watch from an Instagram ad last week (on Afterpay, of course…) I guess that we can say that sometimes it does work on me.
But I choose to show my pricing. Why?
Because it will be immediately too high for some people. And that’s ok. I don’t have the capacity to serve everyone in the world. After all, I’m not selling baked beans in Armadale.
That’s all for this weekend. Just one short read on why some people like to hide their pricing — even though I can’t stand it, don’t do it myself and certainly never would fall for such tricks. Well… apart from that watch thing… 😳
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